Mahindra Customer Testimonials
Hear what Mahindra Owners have to say about their Mahindra Vehicles
Each year we get the chance to visit with new Mahindra Owners and ask them what they think of their Mahindra Vehicles. Please take time to watch the videos below which are genuine & honest feedback from Mahindra Owners in Australia.
The Lorywood Family and their XUV700
Shannon, Levi and Loki show us around their brand new XUV700! They love the sky roof, space and style. XUV700 makes city driving a breeze with blind spot monitoring.
Simi and her XUV700
Simi owned a Scorpio in India and is now the proud owner of an XUV700!
Meet Dan from Redland Bay and his Scorpio
Daniel is a sales rep in the building industry. He uses his Scorpio for his business and for the flexibility it offers his family lifestyle. With 4 kids the spacious interior and 6 seat configuration means everyone is comfortable and no one has to fight to avoid the middle seat.
The Hammer family and their Mahindra Scorpio
The Hammer Family from Emu Park love the spacious layout of their Scorpio. The six seat configuration means there’s plenty of space for the kids in the back!
Sanvey and Sanjay talk about owning their Mahindra Scorpio
Sanvey and Sanjay from Brisbane are long time fans of Mahindra and love the reliability and luxury of the Scorpio that allows them to travel across the country.
David and his PikUp
David from Bundaberg Landscape Supplies puts his Mahindra PikUp to the test.
Shane lives on a river country property near Rockhampton, see what his Mahindra PikUp 4x4 can do!
He has 7km of dirt an ungraded road to get to his house, which can often be rather boggy with a bit of rain.
Banana Farmer Merv Esau from Mullumbimby talks about his Mahindra 4x4 PikUp Single Cab Ute
Ever wondered how hard a life it is to be a Banana Farmer. Hear from Merv Essau about the hard work his Mahindra PikUp does day in, day out, in low range 4×4 all day long.
Megan Hinds from Valley Express talks about her fleet of Mahindra PikUps
Valley Express running a fleet of 4 Mahindra PikUps for hot shot freight service 24hr / 7days a week to the mines in NSW.
Hear what Gary Bartholdt of Bundaberg thinks of the Mahindra Single Cab 4x2 Tradie Ute.
Mahindra 4×2 Cab Chassis Ute with Diff lock standard in the rear axle.
See what Dave from Rainbow Beach Towing thinks of the Mahindra PiKUps being used on Fraser Island by QPWS
Mahindra PikUps being used by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service on Fraser Island by their Rangers
David from Lockyer Valley owns Two Mahindras!
David owns both an XUV500 as a family car, and a Pik-up for use around the farm. The best thing about them for him? The incredible fuel consumption.
John Turmby from Gladstone loves his Mahindra PikUp
For this Gladstone local, reaching the best fishing spots takes a special kind of vehicle. Watch as John tells about his adventures in the 4X4 Pik-Up.
Daniel from Goondiwindi loves his Tuff Bull Bar decked our Mahindra PikUp!
Daniel loves looking out of the cabin almost as much as he loves looking at his Mahindra Pik-Up. His mates are even starting to change their tune.
Stuart from Emu Park, Rockhampton loves his Mahindra XUV500
Stuart from Emu Park in QLD just loves his Mahindra XUV500. With incredible fuel economy and ride comfort, even with a full size van behind it, the XUV500 is perfect for the everyday runaround!
Ron from Goondiwindi makes light work of towing his boat with the Mahindra PiKUp
Ron tows his Quintrex tinnie in Goondiwindi with his new Mahindra PikUp
Murray from Moore in QLD, uses his PikUp in the local rural fire service.
We spoke with Murray, a Pik-Up owner from Moore in QLD, who uses his Mahindra to help in his work as a member of his local fire brigade!
Ian McLauchlan from Toowoomba carts hay for horses with his Mahindra PikUp
Ian has been in horses his whole life and now runs a horse stud. His PikUp is a true work horse and spends its days carrying feed and carting wood. The fuel economy keeps operating costs low.
Gary Smith from Daylesford enjoys his Mahindra Pikup - perfect for maintaining his lovely Daylesford home.
Fantastic towing power and a large tray make the new Mahindra PikUp perfect for use on Gary’s country property and he’s more than happy to recommend Mahindra to others.
Matt Bourchier from Chatsworth in Rural Victoria has a fleet of Mahindra PikUps
Matt is a fifth generation farmer on around 3000 acres. Here what he has to say about his three Pik-Ups and how they help him get the job done.
Don Mudford runs a very large sheep farm near Dubbo, NSW and uses his fleet of Mahindra PiKUps to feedout grain to 15,000 sheep.
Don looks after 15,000 sheep and needs an affordable and reliable vehicle to keep the farm running. Currently running six Mahindra vehicles, the Don loves the fuel economy and after sales service.
Marco Castellana from Musewellbrook, NSW loves his Mahindra PiKUp
Mark has the country in his blood, and from the bush to the beach and on to the city, his Mahindra makes getting the job done easy and affordable. Check out Mark’s story.
Robbie and Pauline Cowburn from Goomeri, hit the Trifecta with Mahindra, Proud owners of Mahindra Tractor, Ute and SUV!
Robert and Pauline have owned their Pik-Up for over ten years and now own a tractor and XUV500. Hear what the Cowburn’s have to say about their Mahindra vehicles.
Neil Smith from Wondai, needed a Mahindra Ute to tow their Horse Float
We met with Neil Smith from Wondai. Neil and his wife purchased their Mahindra ute because they needed a reliable & fuel efficient vehicle to tow their miniature horse trailer. They’re thrilled with their purchase.